Due to the unique challenges small to medium sized businesses bring, they are often subjected to audits by the DCAA.
4 Tips On How To Stay DCAA Compliant
Government contracting firms are able to more easily stay DCAA compliant when following these 4 important tips and practices.
4 Reasons To Hire A DCAA Compliant CPA
Defense-based contractors must work with a third-party DCAA compliance expert to ensure contract retention. Discover why you should work with a CPA.
Does The DCAA Audit Commercial Contracts?
The DCAA audits the financial status of businesses seeking and fulfilling government contracts. Learn whether DCAA audits apply to commercial contracts.
Everything You Should Know About The DCAA Compliance Process
Discover everything that government contractors must know about DCAA compliance, from qualifying for defense contracts to maintaining compliant processes.
Understanding Cost Accounting Standards (CAS) & What It Means To DCAA Compliance
Cost Accounting Standards (CAS) are a set of nineteen different accounting best practices that government contractors must follow. Learn more about CAS.
What Are The Consequences If Your Company Is Not DCAA Compliant?
There are specific DCAA compliant guidelines contractors working with the federal government must comply. Take a look at the consequences if not met.
5 Different DCAA Audits For Government Contractors
Oftentimes when working with the federal government there’s a possibility of a DCAA Audit. Here are the 5 different DCAA audits for government contractors.
How Do GSA Schedule Contracts Work?
If you are a government contractor it is important to understand the general services administration and how GSA schedule contracts work. Find out more!